The weather is finally sunny and it has gotten really hot. Including today (Tuesday) the highs have been in the ninety's. Seems that we are either going to have 60 with rain or 90 with sun and no in between. I have decided the 90 with sun is better than the 60 with rain. Sunday night found us at Dixon Springs State Park and it was very nice, with our own shelter for eating and cooking. There was a pool and hot showers.
Saturday morning in Kentucky, while riding in forested areas we began to hear a loud whine coming from the woods, and this wen on for two days until we were well into Illinois. Turns out that an insect, called the cicada, was hatching and then flying into wooded areas to shed their outer layer. The noise was never ending and even while camped at the state park they kept up their noise all night. In the morning there were a few on my tent and the took off before I could get a picture of them. We seemed to ride out of the noise on Monday. By the way these insects only come out every thirteen years. Oh lucky us.
While riding on Monday (Memorial Day) we stopped at a restaurant in Goreville IL for breakfast. They always give cyclists free pie when they stop in and on Memorial Day they provide veterans with a free meal. We went in and had a great breakfast but Terry and I, the only vets in the group did pay for our meal and told the owner to give a free meal to someone needy. She agreed to do it and I believe she will.
Today is Tuesday and we have a layover day in Carbondale IL. Last night we went to a Lone Star Steak House and had a 14oz rib eye steak. That tasted superb after a week on the road with group cooked food. We have had some good meals but on Sunday evening our two cooks really hit the low mark for the group cooking. They made pasta, not enough and the sauce was terrible, with very little meat in it. They received no kudos from anyone and they will not be paired up again. The big employer here is the Southern Illinois University. Since school is out the city is on a slower pace. This morning we went to the local bike shops and picked up a couple of little things including a kick stand. There are too many places where it is hare to find a location to lean the bike against. The kick stand is a nice addition to my bike. I spent a little time this afternoon cleaning and lubing my bike.
So far all of my equipment has been working beautifully. The wheels peter White built for me are great, ant Ortlieb panniers are absolutely waterproof, and the gearing on the bike works great for me on the hills and on the flat stretches. One of the guys at Geneva Bicycle Center turned me on to "Dumonde TECH lubricant" for my chain. This stuff is great. I put some on my chain for only the second time on the ride and the bike has been quiet and smooth running, Thanks guys. I did purchase a new Thermarest sleepi9ng pad a couple of weeks ago and it is more comfortable and easier to carry than my old pad. I gave the old pad to a hiker while we were in Damascus.
Life is Good Bobo